Fukishima radiation

What does everyone think about the reports that radiation from the Fukishima disater will be effecting us all soon enough? I know some who are were taking iodine tablets or kelp when the breach first occurred. But if it is as bad as it is starting to seem, I don't think that will be enough.


From the reports I have seen, it is really, really bad and anyone who is still eating fish out of the Pacific has some serious mental issues.


Wow! I just looked this up and read about it. I think that it will be years before the effects of this radiation will be fully realized. In the meantime, it may not be wise to eat Pacific fish.


New Member
I'm just amazed at how little press coverage this gets. You have to really dig deep to read anything at all. All this crazy talk about Global warming when we have such a tragic and catastrophic occurrence affecting the planet already!
You make a great point, jagger. I think it is awful how the media seems to have an agenda for what they report and why. Why aren't we hearing more about it?