
How often do you go hunting? My husband would like to go more often, but it is hard to find the time to get away. He is jealous of friends who bring home a big buck to butcher and freeze.


I am not a hunter. I don't even think hunting is allowed around here, although it was a big thing where I grew up. People always had deer meat in the fall and winter.


I'm not a hunter either but I do have friends that had rather be in the words than anywhere else. My brother is the same way. I currently have a deer shoulder in his freezer waiting on me to come get it. :)


I've been hunting a couple of times with my husband. The first time we went squirrel hunting I had no idea what to expect and was quite surprised when he took off running through the woods as the squirrel jumped from tree to tree. He finally got him and we had squirrel stew for supper.